Coca Cola is one of the world’s most recognizable brands. You can see it in the hands of every influencer on Instagram. This rage of a beverage is not credited just to the sugary taste of this black drink but to the immense amount of marketing and branding done behind it. Consumers are consuming this beverage on a daily basis, specially young adults and are blinded by the marketing as they can no longer see the ill-effects of 10 tablespoons of sugar entering their bodies in just one can. 
It’s extremely unhealthy.
   To depict this very act of blindness in consumers caused by branding and marketing of companies, we created a photo shoot inspired by surrealism. The three stages depicted in three photos shows a person slowly being blinded and then not just consuming the drink but also consuming the strong marketing through their eyes, visually.

Concept and Photography by:
Aashi Kanoongo, Eeshani Juthani, Hansa Hatrote, Himani Singh, Mohit Verma

Aashi kanoongo

Boards and Posters by:
Hansa Hatrote

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